Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ten Months Later: Still No Progress On Ronald McDonald Home

It was almost a year ago when the Civil War era home on East Genesee was demolished so the Ronald McDonald House could be built.

"They were so fast to tear it down and you would think they would put something up," said Gloria Sage, Syracuse Neighbor in Favor of Historical Preservation.

Sage also said she feels the Ronald McDonald House could have been built in many other locations.

RMH Executive Director Beth Trunfio said last August that the project would take only ten months to a year to complete. Its opening was to coincide with the Children's Hospital opening at Upstate Medical. Children's Hospital is scheduled to open September 2009. But on eleven hundred East Genesee Street, there are still no signs of construction.

Common Councilor Patrick Hogan voted against historical designation but is confident that the council made the right decision.

The house needed a super majority vote of at least seven members to vote for the approval but the house had only six members vote in their favor.

"The progress was broken, " said Michael Stanton, President of the South East University Neighborhood Association. "The city has since gone back to amend the ordinance that allowed the super majority requirement for this to be saved and that won't happen again, but the damage has been done."

But almost a year after the lot was purchased and the house was destroyed only an empty lot sits at the corner of East Genesee and University Avenue.

N-C-C News Reporter Leigh Paynter has the story.

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